1. Foundation Repair Cost
  2. Ways to save on cost of foundation repair
  3. Doing some DIY work on the foundation

DIY Foundation Repair: The Cost and How to Save

Learn how to take on DIY foundation repair projects and how to save on the cost of foundation repair.

DIY Foundation Repair: The Cost and How to Save

If you're a homeowner looking for a cost-effective way to repair your foundation, DIY foundation repair could be the answer. Doing some DIY work on your foundation can save you a lot of money, as well as giving you a sense of satisfaction from a job well done. In this article, we'll discuss the cost and how to save on DIY foundation repair. With DIY foundation repair, you'll need to factor in the cost of materials and any tools you may need. You'll also need to consider the time it takes to complete the project, which can range from a few hours to several days depending on the size of the job.

If you're not experienced in DIY work, it's important to be aware that there are risks associated with attempting a foundation repair without professional help. In this article, we'll explore the cost of DIY foundation repair, as well as how to save money on it. We'll also look at the pros and cons of attempting a DIY foundation repair, and how to go about it safely. Foundation repair can be a daunting task, especially if you're attempting to tackle it yourself. But with the right knowledge and tools, DIY foundation repair can save you a lot of money and time. There are several types of foundation repairs and each type requires different materials and tools.

Depending on the severity of the damage, repairs can range from simple to more complex.

Types of Foundation Repairs

The most common type of foundation repair is concrete slab repair. This involves filling any cracks or holes with a concrete mix, then reinforcing the area with steel mesh and rebar. Other common types of foundation repair include pier and beam repairs, where large beams are inserted beneath the foundation to provide extra support; steel beam repairs, which involve installing steel beams to support the foundation; and underpinning, which is a method used to strengthen and stabilize the foundation by extending its support system.

Costs of Foundation RepairsThe cost of foundation repair varies depending on the severity of the damage and the type of repair needed. For DIY repairs, you can expect to pay for materials such as concrete mix, rebar, and steel mesh. If you are hiring a professional for more complex repairs such as pier and beam, steel beam, or underpinning, the cost will be much higher due to labor costs and specialized equipment.

DIY vs Professional Foundation Repairs

When it comes to DIY vs professional foundation repairs, there are pros and cons to both.

DIY repairs will generally be much less expensive, but they come with the potential risk of mistakes being made that could lead to further damage. On the other hand, a professional contractor will usually do a better job with more complex repairs, but you will also have to pay for their services.

Saving Money on DIY Foundation Repairs

If you decide to take on a DIY project for your foundation repair, there are several ways to save money. Researching materials and shopping around for the best prices can help keep costs down.

You may also want to consider renting tools instead of buying them to save even more money. It's also important to remember that some foundation repairs are too complex for DIYers and require the expertise of a professional contractor.

Inspection Before Starting Repairs

Before starting any repairs, it's important to get an inspection done by a professional contractor in order to determine the extent of the damage. A professional contractor will be able to identify any potential risks associated with DIY repairs, as well as provide an accurate estimate of the cost of repairs.

Common Mistakes When Doing DIY Foundation Repairs

When doing DIY foundation repairs, it's important to avoid common mistakes such as not properly preparing the surface before applying materials, not using enough materials for the repair, or not taking safety precautions when operating power tools.

Taking the time to research and understand the process before starting any repairs can help ensure that your project is successful.

Inspection Before Repairs

It is important to conduct an inspection of your foundation before starting any DIY repairs. An inspection will help you identify any existing issues, as well as the extent of the damage. During an inspection, you should look for any signs of cracking, shifting, or sagging in the foundation. You should also check if the walls or floors are visibly slanted or uneven.

In addition, you should inspect the walls and floors inside and outside of your home for further signs of damage. If you are not confident in doing a thorough inspection, it is best to consult a professional who is qualified to assess the condition of your foundation. A professional will be able to provide a detailed assessment and determine the best course of action for the repairs.

Saving Money on Foundation Repairs

Foundation repair can be a costly and time-consuming endeavor, but with the right knowledge and tools, you can save money and complete some of the repairs yourself.

Here are some tips to help you save money while doing DIY foundation repair.

Research Materials

Do your research to determine what materials you need for the job. Find out the best materials for the job and compare prices to get the best deal. Researching materials can help you save money on your foundation repair project.

Rent Tools

When it comes to foundation repair, you may need specialized tools that you don't have. Rather than purchasing them, consider renting them from a local hardware store or tool rental company.

This can help you save money on tools that you don't need to use often.

Shop Around

When it comes time to purchase supplies and materials, shop around to find the best prices. Compare prices online and at local stores to get the best deal. Also, look for sales or discounts that may help you save even more.

Types of Foundation Repairs

Foundation repair can be a complex and expensive endeavor, but with the right tools and knowledge, some repairs can be done by a homeowner. Different types of foundation repairs can be used to address a variety of issues, from cracked walls to uneven floors.

Here are some of the most common types of foundation repairs and what is involved in each type.


Piering is the most common method for fixing foundation issues. It involves the installation of steel or concrete piers that support the foundation and stabilize it. The piers are driven deep into the ground beneath the foundation until they reach a stable layer of soil or rock. The piers are then attached to the foundation with brackets, which help to lift and stabilize the structure.

Piering usually requires heavy equipment and is often done by a professional.


Underpinning is a more complex type of foundation repair that is used when the soil beneath the foundation is unstable or has been washed away. It involves digging down beneath the foundation and replacing the soil with stronger material, such as gravel or concrete, to provide a more solid foundation. Underpinning may also require structural reinforcements like steel beams or columns to support the weight of the building.

Wall Repair

Cracks in walls can cause water damage and weaken the structure of a home or building. To repair cracks in walls, a contractor may use a combination of epoxy injections, steel braces, and concrete patching materials to fill in cracks and strengthen the wall.

In some cases, additional reinforcing may be needed to ensure the wall is stable.

Floor Leveling

If your floor is uneven or sagging, a contractor can use floor leveling methods to raise and level it out. In most cases, this involves drilling small holes into the floor and pumping in concrete grout. This helps to fill in any voids beneath the floor and provide a more solid base for the structure.

Cost of Foundation Repairs

Foundation Repair Cost The cost of foundation repair can vary greatly depending on the extent of the damage and the type of repair needed. Generally, foundation repairs can range from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands, so it's important to understand the potential costs associated with each type of repair.

Smaller repairs, such as fixing cracks in concrete walls or floors, might cost anywhere from $100 to $400. Sealing a crack may be less expensive than filling it, so it's important to know what option is best for your situation. Large-scale repairs, such as replacing a section of foundation wall or re-leveling the structure, can cost thousands of dollars. Repairing a bowed wall can cost up to $25,000, while replacing an entire foundation could cost upwards of $50,000.

Professional foundation repairs are typically expensive due to the labor and materials involved in the process. However, if you are willing to do the work yourself, you can save money by completing some of the repairs yourself. DIY foundation repairs can involve anything from sealing small cracks and filling larger ones to replacing damaged sections of foundation walls. While DIY repairs typically involve less labor and fewer materials than professionally done repairs, they can still be expensive due to the cost of materials and tools.

In addition to the cost of materials, it is important to factor in the cost of renting or purchasing tools needed for the repair. For example, if you are repairing a bowed wall, you may need to rent or purchase a jacking system and other specialized equipment. When it comes to foundation repair costs, it's important to consider both DIY and professionally done repairs. By understanding the potential costs associated with each type of repair, you will be better prepared to make an informed decision about which option is best for your situation.

Tools & Materials Needed for Repairs

When doing DIY foundation repair, it is important to have the right tools and materials for the job.

Depending on the type of repair needed, materials and tools may include concrete mix, steel reinforcement bars, a sledgehammer, a level, a trowel, and other items. Here are the details on some of the most commonly used materials and tools for foundation repair:Concrete MixConcrete mix is the base material used to create mortar and concrete to bind together large sections of concrete or to fill in cracks. This is an essential tool for foundation repairs.

Steel Reinforcement Bars

Steel reinforcement bars, also known as rebar, are used to reinforce foundations and can be used in combination with concrete mix or other binding materials to create a strong foundation. Rebar helps to distribute weight evenly and prevent cracking.


A sledgehammer is a heavy tool used to break up old concrete and remove it from the foundation.

It can also be used to break rocks that are blocking drainage or interfering with the foundation.


A level is a tool used to measure the evenness of a surface. It is important to use a level when repairing foundations to ensure that the surface is completely level before laying new concrete or mortar.


A trowel is a tool used to spread concrete or mortar evenly over a surface. This tool is essential for foundation repair, as it ensures that the material is spread evenly and adheres correctly to the foundation.

Other Tools & Materials

Depending on the type of repair needed, other tools and materials may be required. These could include sealants, epoxy, patching compounds, caulking guns, or other supplies.

It is important to research the specific type of repair needed in order to determine which tools and materials are necessary.

DIY vs Professional Repairs

When it comes to DIY foundation repair, it is important to weigh the pros and cons of doing it yourself versus hiring a professional. DIY repairs can save you money, but they may also be risky and time-consuming. On the other hand, hiring a professional can be expensive, but it can also ensure that the job is done correctly and safely.

Pros of DIY Foundation Repair

The primary advantage of DIY foundation repair is that it can save you money. By doing the work yourself, you don’t have to pay for labor costs, which can often be a large portion of the total cost.

Additionally, if you are knowledgeable about foundation repair and have the right tools, DIY repairs can be relatively quick and straightforward.

Cons of DIY Foundation Repair

The biggest disadvantage of DIY foundation repair is that it can be risky. Improperly done foundation repairs can lead to structural damage and even cause further problems. Additionally, without the proper tools and knowledge, DIY foundation repairs can take a long time, which can be frustrating and costly. Lastly, if you do not have the right supplies or materials, repairs can be even more difficult.

Pros of Professional Foundation Repair

The primary benefit of professional foundation repair is that it ensures that the job is done correctly and safely.

Professional contractors are experienced and knowledgeable about foundation repair and have the tools and materials needed to complete the job properly. Additionally, professional contractors can provide a warranty for their work, providing you with peace of mind.

Cons of Professional Foundation Repair

The main disadvantage of professional foundation repair is that it can be expensive. Labor costs are often the biggest cost associated with foundation repair, and hiring a professional means that you will need to pay for these costs. Additionally, some contractors may use substandard materials or take shortcuts on the job, resulting in a less than satisfactory outcome.

Common Mistakes with DIY Repairs

DIY foundation repairs can be a daunting task, but with the right knowledge, tools, and preparation, you can save money and complete some of the repairs yourself.

However, there are common mistakes made when doing DIY foundation repairs that can result in costly repairs down the line. Here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid when doing DIY foundation repairs:Not Consulting an Expert:When it comes to foundation repair, it is important to consult an expert before beginning any project. An expert can provide valuable information on the best course of action to take and what materials will be necessary to complete the project. Furthermore, they can identify any potential problems that may arise and help you plan accordingly.

Failing to Prepare Properly:

Before beginning a DIY foundation repair project, it is important to do your research and prepare accordingly.

This includes gathering all the necessary materials, researching repair techniques and methods, and double-checking measurements. Failing to properly prepare can lead to costly mistakes and delays in completing the project.

Ignoring Potential Hazards:

Foundation repair projects involve working with potentially dangerous materials and conditions. Make sure to research any potential hazards associated with the project and take necessary precautions. This includes wearing proper safety gear, such as gloves, goggles, and a dust mask.

Using Inferior Materials:

It is important to use high-quality materials when undertaking any foundation repair project.

Using inferior materials can lead to structural damage and costly repairs down the line. Make sure to research what type of materials are best suited for your project and purchase them from a reputable supplier.

Not Inspecting the Foundation Regularly:

Once your DIY foundation repair project is completed, it is important to inspect the foundation regularly for signs of damage or wear. If left unaddressed, small issues can quickly become costly problems. Regular inspection will help you identify any potential issues before they become major problems. In this article, we discussed the types of foundation repairs, the cost of foundation repairs, the tools and materials needed for repairs, the difference between DIY and professional repairs, tips on saving money on foundation repairs, the importance of inspection before repairs and common mistakes to avoid when doing DIY repairs.

To summarize, it is important to have an inspection done before starting any repairs and to do your research to understand the types of repairs needed and the materials and tools necessary. Doing your own DIY foundation repairs can save you money, but it is important to know what you are doing in order to avoid costly mistakes.

Phyllis Droneburg
Phyllis Droneburg

Wannabe tv practitioner. Wannabe troublemaker. Award-winning bacon lover. Extreme food enthusiast. Evil music enthusiast.